Monday, May 9, 2011


Never touch your best friends penis cause it just ain't right

Never use the term "It is what it is"...because what else could IT be? 

Never wear tight tight tight clothing when you are bigger than a freight train and walk around Wallmart...people might be watching...MILLIONS of people might be watching

Never scratch your own dirty sweaty sack and make your wife smell it...unless you really don't like sex

Never pick your nose and eat the traffic...cause you ain't invisible

Never place truck nuts on your matter what

Never take your pants off in a phone booth unless you are Superman

Never pretend to shoot a spiderweb like spiderman with you know what after you were doing you know who

Never say the word Rusty Trombone on a radio could cost you almost $30,000.  Just ask the owner of Infinity Broadcasting

Never siphon gas from a car just because prices go up five's actually only an extra dollar per tank of gas...

Never pretend to answer a skill testing math question in public unless you know the answer
During your wedding anniversary party, describing your husband as the "one-minute miracle" in bed is just plain mean.

Never compare your wife to your favorite porn actress unless the pizza delivery guy has a big penis and you would like to watch her with him 

Never be downwind of flatulance that isn't yours

Never be too candid at the water cooler, I don't care about your experiences with painful, recurring bouts of rectal fissures

Never celebrate Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month at Church

Never announce that you spent many hours pounding your meat at Thanksgiving dinner

Never confuse the American President's name with "that dude they just executed" in a New York bar when announcing that you are no longer a virgin at the age of 37

Never serve food at a potluck that you have desecrated with your own bodily fluids

Never fart on will be expected

Never send an email to your Director when hammered on Jaggers and Dr. 3 am on a Tuesday night the day before you hand in your resignation

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